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Before ordering birds, please read the following:

  1. All Friday and weekend clinics deadline for ordering birds will be the Monday before the clinic at 9 pm.

  2. Training clinics will begin promptly at 7:30 until after the Spring Test, then we start at 7:00 AM. Please arrive at the training grounds prior to start time so that you can pay for and collect your birds.

  3. It is not advisable to sign up 2 weeks early, That gets confusing when you are handling many orders.

  4. All new members, if attending for the first time and you are not a member of NAVHDA you must download and bring the signed waiver. Absolutely no exceptions. If you do not bring it you will not be allowed out in the fields.

  5. Clinic fees are $5.00 per dog. As of Mar 2024 - Current bird prices are $11.00 per chukar, $23.00 per duck and $7.25 per quail. Pheasants are not available at this time.


Take a few moments and review the Checklist for Handlers (PDF file). If you are going to train you need to have the correct equipment with you.


Guest Release Form


If you order birds and do not show up, we will attempt to sell your birds. If we cannot sell your birds then you will be responsible for the cost of those birds.


Everyone who is training must be a member of both the Del-Val Chapter and NAVHDA International. (The exception is first-time clinic attendees).


Please do not bring your membership dues and application form to the training clinic - send them to Treasurer, Ron Granai as described on the application form.


Please be sure to bring bird bags and, if you're doing water work, something to carry your duck in.


Everybody should come with at least one box of 20g and one box of 12g shells, and provide shells to the people who are gunning for you.


All dead game must be removed from the training grounds, so please bring something to put dead game in. Do not put dead birds in the trash cans in or near the WMA where we are training.


Please note that pigeons cannot be shot!


Finally, remember the spirit of NAVHDA and help others train their dogs as they help you!




Note as of 4/15/2024 - Quail are NOT available, Chukar orders are limited to 6 birds. Ducks are available in limited quantities. Pheasants are not available at this time. The chapter reserves the right to limit or modify bird orders.

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