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Directions to Colliers Mills WMA
Latitude 40.067797°
Longitude -74.448827°


  1. Take the New Jersey Turnpike to exit 7A.

  2. After you pay the toll, take Route 195 east to exit 16.

  3. At the exit ramp, make a right onto Route 537 West.

  4. You will pass a Wawa and a McDonalds on your right. Continue on 537 past the entrance to Great Adventure on your right. After you have been on Route 537 for approx. 3.3 miles, you will see a sign for the Timberland Lake Campground on your right.

  5. Just past this sign, make a left onto Hawkins Road. Please note that if you cross Route 539, you have gone too far.

  6. Proceed approx. 2.8 miles to a stop sign.

  7. Go straight at the stop sign for another 1.4 miles.

  8. At this point, make a left into the entrance to the Colliers Mills WMA.

  9. Proceed on this road approx. 100 yards or so. There will be a lake on your left and the Front Parking Area will be on your right.


Directions to Greenwood WMA
Latitude 39.852195°
Longitude -74.381013°


  1. Take the New Jersey Turnpike to exit 7A.

  2. After you pay the toll, take Route 195 east to exit 16A.

  3. At the exit ramp, make a right onto Route 537 West.

  4. You will pass a Wawa and a McDonalds on your right. Continue on 537 past the entrance to Great Adventure on your right. Look for the light that intersects with Rt 539 and make a left onto rt 539 south.

  5. Continue down rt 539 for about 20 minutes.

  6. Once rt 539 intersects with rt 70 you will see a WAWA on the left, after that light you will need to bear right where rt 539 and rt 530 meet. Continue on rt 539 south.

  7. The area is heavily forested so there are no great landmarks. Look for brown WMA signs for Greenwood WMA. The main parking lot is a large dirt parkiing area on the right hand side about a quarter-mile south of mile-marker 18. If you pass the intersection for rt 72 you went too far.


Directions to Assunpink:
Latitude 40.204150°
Longitude -74.502474°


  1. From 195 east or west, take Exit 11 and turn north on Imlaystown-Hightstown Road.

  2. Go to the second stop sign and make a right.

  3. Go past the stables and the Activities building is the second building on the right-hand side with a gravel driveway.



Days Inn -  609-448-3200 -  East Windsor NJ


Best Western - 800-325-2525 - Bordentown, NJ 


Econo Lodge - 800-424-4777 - Bordentown, NJ 


These motels are located approx. 45 minutes or so from the meeting site. These motels have all indicated that well behaved dogs in crates are permitted in the rooms. 

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